The Science Of Homeopathy George Vithoulkas Pdf
- In 'The Science of Homeopathy', George Vithoulkas provides an objective and concise treatise of this approach, focusing upon the basic principles and clinical applications of homeopathy. Through the integration of homeopathic and allopathic medicines, a true system of health care can evolve with an emphasis upon the individual as an integrated.
- Science homeopathy george vithoulkas pdf Excerpt from George Vithoulkas: The Science of Homeopathy. The Science Of Homeopathy George Vithoulkas Pdf To Word. 0 Comments Leave a Reply. Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.
In 1980, George Vithoulkas was invited by the World Health Organization to write the first article on homeopathy for the book, Traditional Medicine, published by WHO, as well as the main article in the round table discussion for WHO’s scientific magazine, the World Health Forum [3] journal.
Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel.: 07626 974 970-0 Excerpt from George Vithoulkas: The science of Homeopathy. FIRST GLANCE, the basic content of this book will appear to be. George Vithoulkas with generosity of heart is sharing his homeopathic wisdom presenting with clarity the basic theoretical homeopathic notions like Vital Force, the Laws of Cure, the Proving of Remedies as well as the Eliciting of Symptoms and Cases descriptions encountered in his Homeopathic Practice. Since 1968, Professor George Vithoulkas has trained thousands of homeopaths and medical doctors in classical homeopathy. He has eight honorary professorships and is twice Doctor Honoris Causa. He has received many awards, including the Right Livelihood Award, the alternative Nobel Prize, for his contribution to the.
In 1996, he was invited by the European Parliament to explain the position of homeopathy and after his presentation the European Parliament voted in favour of homeopathy.
On 11th June, 1999, George Vithoulkas was requested by the Council of Europe to make a day- long presentation on homeopathic medicine (as part of their evaluation of alternative therapeutic methods) before the Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee. The text that was published thereafter mentions his receipt of the Alternative Nobel Prize and refers to his categorization of the various alternative methods.
In 2008, Prof. George Vithoulkas was invited as an honorary speaker to express his views on homeopathy in an opening speech at the “2nd World Congress on Controversies in Neurology (CONy)”. In his speech, entitled “Is Homeopathy a Science?”, George Vithoulkas reported on the impressive developments in homeopathy over the past fifteen years. He described the basic principles of homeopathy and stressed that clinical experience of thousands of homeopaths worldwide on treating chronic diseases has led to the conclusion that homeopathy is classed as an “Evidence Based Medicine [4]”.
The Science Of Homeopathy Vithoulkas
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