Ware Weather Fax Decoder
Are you interested in the reception of weather charts, weather reports, NAVTEX and SYNOP messages, weather satellites, ham radio SSTV and -FAX? Would you like to know if JVComm32 is the program that suits you well?
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In this video Mike showcases Black Cat HF Weather Fax WEFAX decoder using a RSPduo SDR.Setting up a Virtual Audio Cable.info. Black Cat HF Weather Fax A full featured program that decodes and displays weather fax transmissions transmitted over shortwave radio, available for macOS and Windows. Invaluable for mariners and others who need up to date weather information even when not connected to the internet.
Ware Weather Fax Decoder Software
Would you like to download the up-to date version of JVComm32 (free demo version for unregistered users, full version for registered users)? Go to the
Do you already have the free JVComm32 demo version, and would like to buy a registration key (secure online registration or registration by fax)? Go to the
U.K. residents please register via my U.K. distributor Pervisell:
Are you looking for marine fax dissemination schedules and frequencies? Visit (external link)/mbox-1-driver.html.
Are you looking for information on weather fax, weather pictures, radio-teletype weather reports, SSTV (ham radio) transmission schedules and frequencies? Visit (external link)
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Eberhard Backeshoff
Obschwarzbach 40a
40822 Mettmann
Email: feedback @ jvcomm.de
Phone: 02058 910575
HF Weather Fax for Android decodes weather fax 120/576 charts and satellite images through the microphone of your Android phone or tablet.
Just set your phone or tablet next to the speaker of your marine radio or any other shortwave receiver with sideband capability and start recording weather charts and images.
The key features are the following:
Ware Weather Fax Decoder Download
Weather Fax |