2d Barcode Generator Free

2d Barcode Generator Free

The 2D XLS font by IDAutomation generates Data Matrix, QR Code, PDF417, and Aztec Barcode Symbols from a single TrueType font within Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets. This font is compatible with all IDAutomation 2D Font Encoders. This font has been tested with Excel 2003, 2010 and 2013 and should also be compatible with other versions. Free 2D Barcode Generator. Brief Description: The programe generates and prints most popular 2D barcode symbologies including Aztec Code, Aztec Runes, Data Matrix(ECC 0-140, ECC 200), QR Code, PDF417, Micro QR Code, MicroPDF417, MaxiCode, Code 16K, RSS family (RSS-14 Standard, RSS-14 Truncated, RSS-14 Stacked, RSS-14 Stacked Omnidirectional, RSS Limited, RSS Expanded, RSS.

The 2D XLS font by IDAutomation generates Data Matrix, QR Code, PDF417, and Aztec Barcode Symbols from a single TrueType font within Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets. This font is compatible with all IDAutomation 2D Font Encoders. This font has been tested with Excel 2003, 2010 and 2013 and should also be compatible with other versions.

/download-kknd-ps1-for-android.html. Download Font(installs the 2D XLS font and a visual implementation example within Excel)

2d barcode generator free online

Implementation and Tutorial:

  1. Download and Install one of the 2D font packages such as Data Matrix, QR Code or PDF417. This tutorial uses the QR-Code as an example.
  2. Then install the IDAutomation2D XLS.ttf font from the following download. These fonts are also included in the TrueType folder of the Universal 2D Barcode Font Download. The IDAutomation2D XLS N5.ttf font is the same except it has the PDF417 N dimension set to 5.
  3. Open Excel and begin setting up the spreadsheet where the first column will be the Data to Encode and the second column will be the encoded data formatted for the barcode.
  4. In Windows Explorer, locate the VBA file included in the zip file of the font package downloaded. For example in the extracted zip file, the macro is found in the Integration folder:
    Or in versions prior to 2015, the file will be found in the program files under the following name:
    List of 2D VBA References.
  5. Return back to Excel and select the Visual Basic option off the Developer Tab:
  6. This will open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Application screen. Select File - Import File.
    Search for the VBA file that was located in Step 3 above. This example locates the QR Code VBA, version 2020 naming convention:
    The VBA will appear in the modules folder in the Project window:
  7. Next, still in the Microsoft Visual Basic for Application screen, go to Tools - References and select the corresponding named DLL.
    Click OK, then File - Close and Return to Microsoft Excel:
    Note: If unable to locate the dll or receive Compile Error: 'User-defined type not defined', browse the C:Windowssystem32 folder for the specific barcode type dll that is needed to import. For example, if generating Data Matrix barcodes, browse System32 for the file IDAutomationDMatrix64.dll.
  8. Now, enter the formula =IDAutomation_QRFontEncoder(refer to the cell of data to encode) in the column next to the data to encode. In this example, the formula is entered in cell B2 and is referencing cell A2 to encode the data.
    When the cell to encode is referenced, a string of random characters should appear:
  9. At this point, the file could be saved with the data encoded for Mail Merge purposes, as the barcode font would be applied after the mail merge had been completed.
  10. To apply the IDAutomation2D XLS.ttf font from the download, right-click on the cell and select Format Cells:
    Select the IDAutomation2D XLS.ttf font:
    If the font was installed prior to beginning the tutorial and the font name appears but the preview of the font does not, please reboot the computer to register the font.
  11. A very important step to complete on the Alignment tab is to select 'wrap text' under the text control section:
  12. Click ok, and there should be a barcode in place of the encoded data:
    There may be small lines when viewing on the screen in the barcode image but those lines will not appear when the barcode is printed.
  13. When saving the file, a pop up may appear:
    Click No, and select .xlsm extension to save the file as a macro-enabled workbook.
Below is a list of the file names for the various 2D fonts:

2d Barcode Generator Free Online

2D FontVBA File NameReference - VBA ProjectFunction Name
QR CodeIDAutomation_QRCodeVBA.bas or
IDAutomation VBA for QR-Code.bas
IDAutomation QRCode Barcode 1.000=EncQR( ) or
Data MatrixIDAutomation_DataMatrix_Macro.basIDAutomation Datamatrix Barcode 1.803=EncDM( )
PDF417IDAutomation_PDF417_Macro.basIDautomation PDF417 Barcode=IDAutomation_PDF417( )
AztecIDAutomation_Aztec_Macro.basIDautomation Aztec Barcode 1.710=EncAztec( )
*MaxicodeIDAutomation_MaxiCode_Macro.basIDAutomation Maxicode 1.0 Type Library=EncMC( )

* The Maxicode package contains it's own fonts and cannot be created from the IDAutomation2D XLS font.

Excel 2D Font Limitations:

Implementation of the 2D XLS font within Excel does have some minor limitations:

2d Barcode Generator Free Download

  1. The symbol is only formed properly when the cell it resides in is formatted to 'Wrap text' as shown in the image to the right. This is set from the 'Format Cells' dialog. The cell must also be sized so that it is wide and tall enough to properly contain the entire symbol.
  2. A very small line gap appears within the symbol because the line spacing property is not adjustable within Excel, and multiple rows are required to generate a 2D barcode. An amplified view of this gap is shown here to the right. IDAutomation's XLS font reduces the line gap to about 2-5% of the X dimension size, which allows a barcode scanner to completely overlook and ignore the gap. Even if the gap did cause a scanner issue, it would be corrected within the scanner because each 2D symbol includes error correction. The line gaps may appear large when viewed on the screen; however, they are small when printed, especially at 600dpi or greater. The gaps appear larger on lower resolution devices.
    The above image shows an amplified view of the Excel line gap with the 2D XLS barcode font.
  3. A white space will appear at the bottom of the symbol within rows of the spreadsheet, as is shown on the graphic at the top right side of this page. This is because of the way Excel manages the size of this font, which is required to reduce the non-adjustable line spacing.
  4. Multiple sizes of the 2D XLS font are not possible since this is the only size that has been found to reduce the line gap spacing to an acceptable level.
  5. This font cannot usually be printed from Excel at less than 8 points, which is an X dimension of about 28 mils or .07CM. Therefore, the symbols can become quite large if much data is being encoded. When using this font within Excel, IDAutomation recommends encoding as few characters as possible.