Microsoft Office 2007 Uninstall Tool

  1. Microsoft Office 2007 Uninstall Tool Crack
  2. Microsoft Office 2007 Uninstall Tool Download
  3. Ms Office 2007 Uninstall Tool

Uninstall methods recommended by Microsoft Office Microsoft has guides to take you through the various methods to remove Microsoft Office 2007 from your Dell PC: Method IUninstall using the Control Panel Method IIUninstall using the Easy Fix Tool. The execution of this uninstall tool will completely remove all patches installed from the release. It wouldn’t uninstall individual patches for the respective products from the suite, e.g. Microsoft Office Professional SP2, Microsoft Office Visio 2007 SP2, etc. Microsoft has highlighted that there is no support currently for uninstalling per.

If you are facing any issues after installing the Service pack 2 for Office 2007 then you can uninstall/remove office 2007 Service pack 2 without uninstalling Office 2007 totally with the help of Office 2007 Service Pack 2 Uninstall tool. The new command line tool, Microsoft Service Pack Uninstall Tool for the 2007 Microsoft Office Suite (or simply called 2007 Office SP Uninstall Tool), which will allow users to remove Service Pack 2 for Office client products without uninstalling the entire Office suite.

Office 2007 SP2 Uninstall tool will help you to remove the service pack release. This tool will remove all the patches that are given for a specific release. The 2007 Office SP Uninstall Tool removes only the client patches and not the server ones. It does not uninstall hotfixes or public updates. Moreover it cannot uninstall Service Pack 1.

Uninstalling/Removing Office 2007 Service Pack 2

The 2007 Office SP Uninstall Tool is contained in the Office2007SPUninstall.exe package. The tool is a single file named OARPMan.exe. After extracting the tool to a folder in your hard drive(say C:oarpman_folder), run the tool from the command prompt as an administrator.

Now navigate to the folder(C:oarpman_folder in our case) where OARPMan.exe was installed and run the tool with /report option as “OARPMan.exe /report” to get the release designation that needs to be removed(It looks something like O12SP2). Now type “oarpman.exe /remove O12SP2” to remove the release designation O12SP2. /neko-nin-exheart-steam-182b-patch-download.html. You can again type “OARPMan.exe /report” to verify that Office SP2 un-installation is successful.

Topics Map > OS and Desktop Applications > Applications > Productivity

Microsoft Office 2007 Uninstall Tool Crack

This document explains how to uninstall Microsoft Office 2007, 2010 and 2013.

Windows 10 users: Follow the instructions for uninstalling a program: Windows 10 - Uninstall a Program

  1. Open the Start menu and click on Control Panel.

  2. Click on Uninstall a program.

  3. Select whichever version of Microsoft Office you'd like to delete, for example Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 or Microsoft Office Professional 2007 Trial.

  4. Click Yes in the window that appears.

  5. The following window will appear. Wait until it is done uninstalling.

  6. Once it is done, the following window will appear. Click Close.

Microsoft Office sometimes leaves files on your computer even after an uninstall. These files can interfere with future installations of the Microsoft Suite. If you are unable to uninstall Office (or want to completely remove all of its components), you can also uninstall the suite with the installation disc. Also you can try the Microsoft Fixit tool if your uninstall still fails with the disc.

Microsoft Office 2007 Uninstall Tool Download

Ms Office 2007 Uninstall Tool

Keywords:office removing remove delete uninstall uninstalling windows xp vista 7 microsoft office ms 2007 2010 2013 8Suggest keywordsDoc ID:12800
Owner:Help Desk KB Team .Group:DoIT Help Desk
Created:2009-12-01 18:00 CSTUpdated:2020-08-13 17:22 CST
Sites:DoIT Help Desk, DoIT Tech Store, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
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